Monday, July 6, 2015

Welcome to the Chopper Shop! 

The Chopper Shop is a positive environment. We have fun building cool bikes and other projects.
In Chopper, making fun of others, their designs, or work is unacceptable.
There is no horseplay allowed in the shop, as the tools in Chopper can be very dangerous and cause serious harm. Playing around is not the reason to be in Chopper, and it’s dangerous.


Respect Yourself
  • Give your best effort
  • Take responsibility for your actions
  • Tell the truth – lying is unacceptable

Respect Everyone
  • Share the resources of the shops
  • Be positive, supportive, and encouraging
  • Treat everyone like you would like to be treated
  • Teasing, trash talking, bullying, yelling, and fighting are unacceptable

Respect the Shop
  • Follow staff instructions
  • If you don't know something, ask!
  • Use all tools and equipment correctly
  • Clean up, even if it’s not your mess
  • Theft is unacceptable

Be Safe
  • Be careful
  • Use proper equipment
  • No playing in work spaces


If you do not meet Chopper Shop behavior standards, you will be given a written warning. If you continue to have behavior issues, you will face further punishment and possible expulsion.

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